> All overlays are now sticked to the map. You can move an overlay by hovering the mouse over it and pressing the Shift key while making a left click. You can then move/rotate/delete the overlay as you want. The Norman Saga v4
> The "Layer" function when right clicking on a character let you change his level, for instance move him under a hoarding or inside a tent.
> All the Superstructure overlays can be found on the Overlays layer, which means that all characters can be positioned either above or below them. All other overlays are at the map level, so you can't position a character underneath them. 
> New Combat Tables were included that are now more lethal for higher differentials, to bring more realism when a knight fights a peasant for instance, something which was not easy with the previous tables of Guiscard and Diex Aïe.
> The Siege button in the Controls menu brings up the maps of the various buildings found in the box sets to manage their siege. Note that unlike the various buttons for the play sheets, the contents of the tabs will only show up after the creation of a game.
> Ager Sanguinis includes several Turkish counters which were already present in Guiscard. In the boxed set, their only modification is the 3-letter designation, from Axx to Txx. If called for by a scenario, get these counters in the Guiscard tab and not the Ager Sanguinis one. Only counters with additional modifications and a different name are found in the Ager Sanguinis tab.

v 4.0 - May 2017